Our third cohort of cadets!
Humber Maritime College (HMC) welcomed their third cohort of Navigation and Engineering Cadets. The cadets, who are from across the UK, are sponsored through various shipping companies which are managed by Clyde Marine Training and Ship Safe Training Group. They will undertake a three-year programme which upon successful completion will see them qualify as Navigation and Engineering Officers.
Throughout lockdown, the relationship between HMC and Clyde Marine has continued to develop, with both teams working closely to implement a course delivery which allows the cadets to return to site and undertake their studies.
Hugh Callaway, Managing Director of Humber Maritime College, said:
“Throughout lockdown we were able to deliver online content and teaching of an extremely high level, however we are very pleased to see the cadets back on site and returning to normal lessons. They will now undertake their normal timetables with full access to the college’s state-of-the-art maritime simulators.
“The cadetships are a fantastic opportunity for a rewarding career, and we are seeing our numbers here at HMC continue to grow. The cadets are fully sponsored by shipping companies, with all of their tuition and training fees covered.”
Kenneth Fullerton, Operations Manager of Clyde Marine Training added his own congratulations to the college and the starting cadets: “Whilst it has been hugely encouraging to see how well the colleges and students have adapted to the new learning environment caused by COVID, it is obviously fantastic to see cadets return to college proper, studying alongside their peers.
“Since opening last year, Humber Maritime College have shown themselves to be an excellent and progressive partner in the training process, and we look forward to seeing the first generation of cadets graduate from here in 2 years’ time, and those that follow.”
Engineering Cadet, Shaun De-Ste-Croix said “The course so far has been really good and exciting, all of the rewards and benefits for the end of the course are unprecedented”
Navigation Cadet, Reanne Lewis also added “Induction week has been really good and the college have been preparing us for what will happen over the next three-years, including sea time”.
For further information on Humber Maritime Cadets contact 01469 420987.